Saturday, June 8, 2013

Breeding Continues in the Rabbitry

I admit, I have been kind of slacking in my French Angora program.  I have been very busy working towards my degree and just have not had the time to work on my French Angoras like I used to.  I downsized my breeding stock quite a bit last semester and only four rabbits remain - three of my own line and one buck I recently got to outcross.  Of the three does of mine, two are full siblings and one is the offspring of one of the does, so everyone is fairly related. 

I tried breeding Lily of the Valley, one of my Ruby Eyed Whites repeatedly, but to no avail.  She is an older doe so that is not surprising.  I recently bred her to Moonbeam and she was successfully bred but she never seemed to take and continue her pregnancy. 

Today while I was feeding my rabbits, Lily was acting all hormonal on me, which isn't typical of her, so I took her out of her cage.  Her coat had gotten quite a bit denser and longer since I recently clipped her, which was a telltale sign of one thing.  I palpated her and sure enough - she's bred.  I don't even think I can begin to say how excited I was!  The doe that never could take, who was pretty much deemed by me as finished in her breeding career, now palpated positive with a litter size of approximately five!  Now I just have to wait until the twenty-fifth of June to see the litter.  She is a Ruby Eyed White and was bred to a Ruby Eyed White so all the offspring should be REW. 

I am planning on retaining a few kits out of this litter since this may be her last litter, considering she is an older doe.  I really want to get some French Angoras on the show table again.  It has been quite a while since I have been able to show never mind have a litter so I am as excited about it as I was when I got my first litter.  The joys of rabbit raising never dies...  I will be showing and then will probably have some of the kits for sale later. 

I plan on breeding Freezing Rain, a smoke pearl doe, in a week or so.  She will be bred to Moonbeam so I am expecting REWs and sables, with the possibility of smoke pearl or seal. 

I plan on expanding my French herd a little more but still want to keep it small with ten rabbits or less.  I don't want to have to keep downsizing every semester as I find I can't handle the time invested in them so I would like to keep it manageable.  I kept Vanilla Bean, a black Satin doe so perhaps I will get her a husband?  I pondered getting back into New Zealands but I will have to really think about all of this before I jump into it again.  I plan on attending the rabbit show on June 15th so perhaps I will come home with a few extra rabbits for the rabbitry...      

I will be keeping everyone updated! 

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